Challenge: tell us: A poem without a title is like . . . ?
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Dusk's Dawn ~ That is a place we are as we grow/mature ~ when we learn from our life experiences and go forward with wisdom.
If you want only audio poetry, you could check it all out at once, then come back to read the rest. The choice is yours!
Whether it's from laughter to tears, or the myriad of emotions between and beyond, poetry conveys feeling. Various moods, tempos, styles, and images encompass these pages. Voices of all ages . . . Well, you'll see . . .
Read . . . share. Above all, enjoy.
Experience the beauty of other poetic spirits.
NOTE: Download Netscape plugin for Windows Media Player:
Featured Articles: 
Rejections: Did you receive another rejection in the mail? Are you thinking about giving up . . .
Helpful hints: Online articles are viewed differently than print articles. Consider the following tips . . .
Poet Alert!: Your poetry is wanted! Please, try not to let your dream of being published overrule your good judgment. Learn . . .
Like each of us, this site is a permanent work in progress.
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